The day on which the holy Church glorifies the Archangel Michael and the bodiless host is close to every believing Christian soul, for on this day we also glorify our celestial friend and protector – the Guardian Angel.
The Scriptures themselves bear witness to the Guardian Angels. The Guardian Angel is a friend who never betrays a person, who is assigned to him from the day of baptism to the day of burial. The Guardian Angel is the only friend on whom a Christian can rely in his life, for everything that surrounds us here on earth is vapor, dust, and ashes – ever-changing impermanence.
In the awesome hour of death the Guardian Angel is our last helper, a faithful witness to all the good we had done on earth, to all that makes us worthy of our humanity.
But we are too remote in our lives from our Angels, just as we are too remote from all that is spiritual and invisible. We believe only in what we can perceive, what can be seen with the eye, touched with the hand. We have little belief and are weak in faith.
One of the goals of our spiritual life is to find the way to our Guardian Angel. This way can be found not through imagination and fantasy, which – alas! – often spoil our spiritual life, but through a continuous endeavor to purify our hearts. Only the pure in heart will see God, only the pure in heart are granted spiritual vision. And the true path to our heavenly helper and friend is the path of purifying the heart and combating sin.
O truly, according to the Apostle, sins are an impediment to us… How varied are the bitter fruits eaten by those who taste of sin. And if it were not for the power of Christ, what would a man do, who has become completely entrapped in evil deeds?
But man is saved by the grace of God and the help of the Guardian Angel. For if a man wishes with all his heart and does everything he possibly can to combat sin, the Lord will always stretch out His mighty hand to him and will deliver him from perdition, while the Guardian Angel will always be his constant helper and protector.
Hieromonk Methody, “Before the eyes of God’s truth”)
(Reprinted from “Orthodox Russia, No. 22, 2007)

Each one of us carries a burden of sins, errors, sorrows, misfortunes; and yet, we should not be subjected to all of this, since each one of us has his own guardian angel. Why, then, does such a situation exist? The angels, of course, would never allow it, were it not our own fault. And if they allow it, it is either because we make ourselves inaccessible to angelic guidance, or because by our contrariness we destroy and repel all the angels’ efforts to assist us in doing good.