O clear night, in which appeared the Most-pure, Who had come to purify us! May our hearing be pure, and the gaze of our eyes be chaste, and the words of our lips be sincere. This night is a night of reconciliation: let no one hold anger against one’s brother or offend him. This night brought peace to the whole world: let no one threaten. This is the night of the Meekest One: let no one be cruel. This is the night of the Humblest One: let no one be vain. Now is the day of joy: let us not seek revenge for offenses. Now is the day of goodwill: let us not be cruel. In this day of quietude let us not be overcome with wrath. Today God has come down to sinners: do not be vain, o sinner! Today the Richest One has beggared Himself for us: ye rich men, invite the poor to your feast. Today we have received a gift for which we had not asked: let us be charitable to those who ask from us. This day has opened the doors of heaven to our prayers: let us open our doors to those who ask us for forgiveness. Today Divinity took upon Itself the stamp of mankind, so that mankind could be adorned with the stamp of Divinity.
Blessed is the Infant Who has brought joy to Bethlehem! Blessed is the Youth Who has brought renewal to mankind! Blessed is the Fruit which has given Itself to those who hunger! Blessed is the Rich One, Who has suddenly enriched our poverty! Thanks be to the Source Who has borne our cruel-heartedness! Praise be to the One Who has no need of our laudations, but wishes us to extol Him in order to reward us afterwards. O Merciful One, Thou art a sea of glory that has no need of our glorification. Accept in Thy mercy this small drop of glorification, because by Thy grace Thou hast encouraged me to praise Thee.
Saint Ephraim the Syrian