Christ is risen!
Homily for the Holy Day of Pascha |
We are forgiven, we are saved and redeemed – Christ is risen! These three words say everything. They are the foundation of our faith, our hope, love, Christian life, all our wisdom, enlightenment, the Holy Church, inner prayer, and our entire future. These three words have destroyed all human woe, death, evil, and have given life, bliss, and freedom! What miraculous power! Can one tire of saying: Christ is risen! Can one tire of hearing: Christ is risen!
But do all of us understand the true meaning of those three words: Christ is risen? What does it mean: Christ is risen? We know that Christ did not arise today, nor yesterday, but many, many centuries ago. And who in our times can doubt that Christ truly arose on the third day? Obviously no one! So what, then, are we attesting to when to the greeting of “Christ is risen!” we respond with the words “Truly He is risen!”? Are we attesting only to our faith or to something more?
All Christians must participate in the very resurrection of Christ. “And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain” – says Apostle Paul; we are thus, consequently, celebrating the greatest Christian holiday – the feast of all feasts, for on Christ’s Resurrection is founded Christianity itself. But should this celebration consist only of following church rules and being present in church? Where is the inner, spiritual meaning of the holiday? Can the sole remembrance of that great world event – Christ’s Resurrection – bring us salvation? No, it cannot, and thus Christians must actually participate in this Resurrection. And how should they do so? Through the sacraments of repentance and communion, through partaking of the Holy Body and the life-giving Blood of the Saviour, in order to become united with Him, our resurrected Redeemer. In the days of the Great Lent, in the days of penitence, purification, and rebirth, we must renew our hearts in order that Christ be resurrected within them. Thus, whoever did not take part in Christ’s Resurrection cannot comprehend and cannot encompass within himself the true meaning of the words “Christ is risen!” and the response “Truly He is risen!”
Christ’s Resurrection is affirmed within us, within our hearts not only by the words “Truly He is risen!” It is affirmed by joy in the Lord and proven by love for Christ. Whoever loves, understands God’s love and does not doubt it. But remember, dear brethren, your recent confessions, how you repented of grumbling against God, of doubting His mercy, how you accused the Lord of your supposedly undeserved sorrows and unbearable sufferings, even of not heeding your prayers! Remember how, though living in sin, you nevertheless were wont to look upon the Lord as unmerciful, as deaf and blind to your woes and needs! But now, having become united with Christ, have you realized that He is the God of love, the God of mercy, not punishment? If you have truly recognized this truth, then undoubtedly you have understood God’s intention, you have come to love the Lord with a pure heart, Christ has risen within you, and you can now in all conscience respond to the joyous Christian greeting “Christ is risen!” with the words “Truly He is risen!” Amen.
Holy martyr priest Seraphim (Chichagov)